
Learning Curve

October 10, 2009

Things I have learned about Italy in the past month:

1. Italians don't like carpet. They would rather undergo a daily routine of sweeping up never-ending dust bunnies and endure freezing cold feet than install some carpet or a rug in their homes.

2. Italian Post sucks! Apparently the receiver of a parcel sent to Italy has to declare what is inside the parcel (there goes any chance of surprise gifts). On top of this, a doctor must inspect the parcel. What?

3. Italians don't understand the meaning of hurry up. They walk slowly and take up the whole pavement.

4. Italian men interpret a smile as an invitation to harass you.

5. Italian women don't smile.... ever.

6. Italians think foreigners who speak english and very little italian, are stupid.

7. All car horns should be removed from Italian cars. They have lost all meaning.

8. Anytime is Gelato time.

9. Anytime is NOT cappuccino time. Order only it before midday...at the latest.

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